
Learning is an active process

Active learning is any learning activity in which the student participates or interacts with the learning process, as opposed to passively taking in the information. When given the opportunity to actively engage with the information they're learning, students perform better.

Help students set challenging goals

Goal Setting for Students Starts with SMART
Specific – What exactly do I want to happen?
Measurable – How will I know when I am reaching my goal?
Actionable – What actions will I take to achieve my goal?
Realistic – Why is my goal important and what plan will I follow to reach it?
Timely – When will I reach my goal?

Knowledge is power

"Knowledge is power" means that a man has education and a complete control on his life by using the strength of knowledge. The ability to acquire knowledge, preserve and pass it on to the future generation makes man powerful. It enables him to control the forces of nature and use them for his benefit.

Work individually with students

Individual work helps students to develop the capacity to learn without always leaning on others. This can hopefully lead to some sense of learner autonomy, which is a critical goal of many teachers. As students rely on their own resources it strengthens them in learning to learn on their own.

Helping each child find and follow their best learning path.

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