Library Gu​idelines

1. The personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library and all such items are to be kept in the library property counter. Do not keep valuable items in the property counter and the Library staff will not be responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users. Library property counter shall be used only while using the library.

2. Students are allowed to bring white sheet papers, notebook, laptop, and files inside the library are to be shown for verification to the Library Security staff while entering and exit.

3. Students are required to sign in the Gate register while entering and exit.

4. Misbehaviour or misconduct in the library will force the library staff to seize/confiscate the library cards besides prohibiting such students from using the library services.

5. The library follows open access system. All books / journals taken out of the rack should not be replaced by users after referring / reading. Such books should be left on the table itself.

6. Any issued book taken out of the library should be kept outside.